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William E. Summers III has been an educator, a salesman, and a public servant. He owes his experience to the many contacts and friendships that he has made throughout his years of service. His Christian experience in 2012 impacted his life to such an extent, that he dedicated his life to Christ.


Inspiration For Those “Quiet” Moments

I have been sleeping for a long time! God is awakening me to a new life…a new day is dawning in me. Even though we may sin, God is always available to us to guide, to provide, and to direct our spiritual life.

Life is ordinary; but a life filled with the Spirit of God is extra-ordinary.

If we find that times are tough and we want to say, “I quit,” just remember the many times God has blessed you for your patience.

When there is joy in the heart, there is happiness in the home.

Not everyone that you meet today is going to be happy, thoughtful, or kind. It is up to you to be thoughtful and kind and put a smile on their face. Each of us can be the light that brightens the path of those we meet.

Find rest in the valleys in life so that you have the strength and courage to conquer the mountains before you.

As followers of Jesus Christ, God wants our Service, our Obedience, and our Witness…SOW!

Tired of running? Have you talked to God lately?

Why do we blame God for our own inadequacies, indecision, and misfortune when we ourselves live in a flawed world and create our own problems or are affected by the world events around us?

Remember Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross the next time you enter those dark places in your life.

Be humble; be sincere; be open, honest, and respectful as you bring your prayers to the Lord.

You can never go wrong sowing fruits of the Spirit. Your harvest will produce joy and contentment in all that you do.

Let go of the past and stop looking back. If you have been saved, you have been cleansed of your sins and have been made new. God does not dwell on your past, so why should you.

He who calmed the storm on the raging sea can calm the storm in me.

Love is forgiveness; for how can we love ourselves and others if we cannot learn to forgive?

When we sin or do something that we know is wrong, we should not run from God in shame. We should run to Him to seek His forgiveness.

“The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.” (Jas. 5:11) Otherwise, how could I, a sinner, be forgiven of my past sins, and now share in His glory and righteousness.

If we spent as much time reading and searching the Bible as we do reading and searching the Internet and our cell phones, we might see the world around us in a different light.

Every morning is a new beginning and an opportunity to grasp life at its finest. Look for the good in all things and the blessings will follow.